Are Our Political Parties At War With Us?

Are Our Political Parties At War With Us

It’s fairly well-established that First Past the Post worsens polarization and creates a toxic atmosphere in Parliament, but what about the relationship between voters and politicians?

It turns out politicians are losing the trust of the voting public, as according to a 2022 Ipsos poll, Canadian trust in government has dropped from 58% to 43%.

Parties make promises to get elected. It works, and they get a majority of seats with less than half of the vote. Then they have a problem. Fewer than half of voters endorsed these promises with their vote, so how much of a mandate do they really have to implement them? Instead, they often govern from the centre, trying to please everyone.

Over time, as parties have learned that voters don’t punish them for breaking promises; the promise becomes just a thing that politicians say to get elected.

Broken promises lead naturally to lower levels of trust. So does paying more attention to industry lobbyists than voters, another natural consequence of the tenuous connection between what citizens vote for and the Parliament they get.

NB Premier Blaine Higgs never ran on a promise to throw out French immersion. That only popped up after he got the majority that lets him ram through whatever he likes.

Likewise, Doug Ford never promised to turn the Greenbelt into housing and highways, but that’s what he’s doing now that he’s got an even bigger majority (with 41% of the vote) than he had the last time. Faking the contrite, caring Premier really did the trick—and I do mean trick.

We are in a cold war. The people we vote for, perhaps even volunteer for and give money to, attack us as a matter of course. They con us, lie to us, thwart our will and take away our parties. All a consequence of the First Past the Post system—and that’s no excuse, since these are the very people with the power to make democracy better. When will they stop making short-sighted decisions that undermine it instead?

A synopsis of Vivian Unger’s guest blog for Fair Vote Canada.

National Poll: What do Canadians think about electoral reform?

National Poll - What do Canadians think about electoral reform

In December 2022, Fair Vote Canada commissioned EKOS Research to run a poll to assess Canadians’ opinions on electoral reform.

A strong majority of Canadians—including supporters of all parties—back a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform.

View the results >

Send Trudeau a card calling for action on Electoral Reform!

Send Trudeau a card calling for action on Electoral Reform!

This spring, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Liberal MPs will be voting at their convention on a groundbreaking resolution: A National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform.

This is a crucial decision point and a rare chance to kickstart action on electoral reform in Canada! Let’s send a loud message that Canadians want action.

Please send Justin Trudeau a card asking him to VOTE YES!

Send your card >

Making Elections Fairer

Make Elections Fairer

First past the post (FPTP), our electoral system federally and

provincially, creates outcomes that do not represent the people’s will.

Having a more proportional voting system would make it difficult for any party to win a false majority. It would also force parties to collaborate, which could lead to progressive and innovative policies.

Read more >

Democratic Reform in the News

Electoral reform continues to make the news across Canada and around the world. Here is a sample of what is being said:

fair vote toronto proportional representation electoral reform canada volunteer rendezvous

A citizens’ assembly is a body of citizens formed to deliberate on an important policy issue. Citizens’ assemblies are based on evidence that when given the knowledge, resources and time, citizens can find solutions to complex and controversial issues. Recommendations by a citizens’ assembly are likely to be seen as highly legitimate expressions of the popular will.

France recently formed a Citizens’ Assembly to deliberate the nation’s assisted dying laws. The assembly consists of 170 people and will offer advice to the government on modifying the legal framework and prepare the country for possible changes as soon as the beginning of 2024.