Going to an event?  Need a sign?

Need a petition?  Need some flyers?


Download them here!

Help Canadians make the important connection between our voting system and the issues they are passionate about.

  • Print our signs and hold them high!
  • Help collect signatures at an event.
  • Share this page on upcoming rally event pages.


Declaration of Voters Rights – Federal Petition

[sdm_download id=”1126″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”]


Declaration of Voters Rights – Ontario Petition

[sdm_download id=”1131″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”]


Visual Aids

Print these visual aids to help you talk to people about electoral reform.

[sdm_download id=”1143″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”] [sdm_download id=”1141″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”] [sdm_download id=”1135″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”]


Print A Sign (11″x17″)



[sdm_download id=”1153″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”]



[sdm_download id=”925″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”] [sdm_download id=”1156″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”] [sdm_download id=”1150″ fancy=”1″ color=”green”]