Queen’s Park Rally this Weekend

It’s an exciting time to be in the electoral reform movement! Fair Vote Toronto is taking part in three events and we could use your help to spread the word about Proportional Representation here in Ontario. Sign up at the links below or by completing this volunteer form.

Queen’s Park Rally – Saturday, February 25th at 11am

Queen’s Park, Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Torontonians of all political stripes will be at Queen’s Park this Saturday, February 25th at 11am to make their voices heard on Bill 23 and the Ford government’s recent plans to develop the Greenbelt. A variety of voices will be at the event including representatives from the EGAYB – Indigenous Youth Services, the Ontario Health Coalition, Environmental Defence, and the Elementary Teachers of Toronto.

Several FVT members will be at the rally and would appreciate your support! It’ll be a great opportunity to engage with attendees and remind them of the importance of a fair electoral system.

Sign up here >

Hamilton Convention Centre – March 3rd / 4th

City of Hamilton

The Ontario Liberal Party is having its Annual General Meeting in Hamilton. This is a special opportunity to reach out to Liberal party members, including former candidates, MPPs and MPs.

Fair Vote Canada volunteers will be outside the Hamilton Convention Centre handing out flyers and engaging in friendly conversations on Friday, March 3 from 3-5 PM and Saturday, March 4 from 8-10 AM. The more Fair Vote Canada supporters show up to help, the bigger the impact we will have!

Sign up here >

OSBCU Convention – March 28 – 30


The Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) is holding its convention at the Sheraton Centre Toronto from March 28th to the 30th. Fair Vote Toronto volunteers will be on hand to chat with attendees throughout the day and gather their support for Proportional Representation!

Sign up here >

FVC National Board Elections

Fair Vote Canada Board Election Ballot

Fair Vote Canada needs six passionate and energetic individuals to join our national board of directors!

If you are a member of FVC and are interested in taking your support for PR to the next level, then this opportunity is for you!

Learn more >

Democratic Reform in the News

Electoral reform continues to make the news across Canada and around the world. Here is a sample of what is being said:

Did you know?

Most governments in Canada are false majorities.

The last two federal majority governments had 39% voter support. A few voters in a few swing ridings are the ones who matter in an election, and the parties know it.

We get the occasional minority government, but when we do, the parties usually can’t wait to try for all the power again with a little more than a third of the vote.

If we want a Parliament that really represents us, and a different kind of politics, it starts with making every vote count.

How first past the post works