Volunteer actions and events for September:
- Visit your MP – most important and urgent, happening right now
- Park Hangout for FVT volunteers – Wednesday, September 13th
- Charter Challenge Briefing with Tony Hodgson – Sunday, September 24th
- Joining the OFL Mass Protest in Queen’s Park – Monday, September 25th
Can you visit your Liberal MP?
This past winter, a motion for a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform by MP Mike Morrice got the maximum number of joint seconders – including many Liberal MPs! In the next few months, MPs will be voting on this motion in Parliament, and Liberal MPs have an important role to play in whether this motion succeeds or fails.
Personal visits from constituents are the most effective way to influence and persuade MPs to vote yes – email appeals alone from Fair Vote Canada supporters just won’t cut it with Liberal MPs. We want to visit as many Liberal MPs as possible while they’re still in their home ridings, before they return to their hyper-partisan environment on Parliament Hill.
You don’t need to be an expert on electoral reform or citizens’ assemblies to visit your MP – and it doesn’t matter which parties you support! The important thing is that you’re a constituent who cares.
Toronto is ground zero for winning this vote. More than 40 Liberal MPs are in the GTA. These 1-1 visits with these MPs can make the difference between success and failure. In many ridings, we still need a leader! Please step up to lead a visit to your MP, and we will support you every step of the way.
We need people from all ridings, but especially these ridings:
- Brampton (all ridings)
- Don Valley North
- Eglinton Lawrence
- Etobicoke Centre
- Etobicoke North
- Humber River Black Creek
- Markham (all ridings, but especially Markham Unionville)
- Mississauga (all ridings)
- Pickering – Uxbridge
- Scarborough (all ridings)
- Thornhill (while this is a Conservative MP, we are also visiting Conservatives!)
- Toronto – St. Paul’s (This riding is a HIGH PRIORITY)
- Vaughan – Woodbridge
- York Centre
Sign up here to visit your MP.
When you sign up, we’ll support you every step of the way! We’ll give you the main points to cover, mail you basic materials to give to your MP at the visit, connect you with any other people from your riding who also signed up, and answer all your questions.
TONIGHT at 7pm, Réal Lavergne, president of FVC’s NCR chapter, is hosting a webinar to give a step-by-step guide on Visiting your Liberal MP about a National Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. Click here to register. If you’re unable to attend this evening, registering will ensure that you receive an email with a link to the recording.
End of Summer Park Hangout
Our team will be hosting another social hangout at Christie Pits Park this Wednesday, September 13th from 5:00 – 8:00 PM for PR supporters and volunteers alike!
The park has public washrooms and picnic tables, as well as a rain shelter which is where we’ll meet (circled in red in the photo below). Please bring your own snacks and refreshments.
If it does happen to rain on Wednesday, we will meet the next day, Thursday, September 14th at the same time. If it rains Thursday as well, we’ll need to postpone it to a later date. If in doubt, feel free to call or text Marc Gasparotto at (807) 355-1676.
In-Person Briefing on the Charter Challenge
Tony Hodgson, president of Fair Voting BC, will be in Toronto for the Charter Challenge hearing and has offered to host a briefing for any electoral reform supporters who might be interested.
Join us at the Northern District library, at Yonge & Eglinton, from 2:00 – 4:30 PM on Sunday, September 24th.
We’ll be sending another email next week with more details!
OFL’s Mass Protest at Queen’s Park
The Ontario Federal of Labour has organized a Mass Protest on Monday, September 25th from 12:00 – 2:00 PM, and Fair Vote Toronto will be there to support their cause and to help make the connection between healthcare and our voting system.
See next week’s email from us for more details.